Bluvision BLE Badge
The HID FCC / CE certified badge card beacon is a compact, efficient solution for RTLS, PLS and Asset tracking applications. It operates as a BLE beacon, broadcasting and transmitting its ID and location repeatedly in time to a BLE gateway. By operating this way, the badge card beacon can support a wide range of applications and use cases, including location and wayfinding. Due to low-power consumption, it exhibits a long battery lifetime that typically exceeds three (3) years, and it uses specific encryption protocols to ensure the security of the broadcasted message. The characteristics of the badge beacon card are:
- Location accuracy, with accuracies within one meter for many applications, far more accurate than standard RSSI
- Support of multiple beacon protocols; supporting multiple use cases simultaneously
- Sophisticated authentication and encryption capabilities
- Suitable for different applications including manufacturing, retail and corporate environments
- IP67 Water-resistant
- Compact, small, light, easy to use
Technical Specifications
- 240Ah battery (3×80)
- 14” x 3.39” (54mm x 86mm)
- Very light (14gr)
- ARM Cortex M3 and M0
- -30°C to +77°C temperature range
- Low power consumption (7,5 mA Rx, 6.5mA Tx, 1.6μΑ Idle)
- BLE 4.1, -97dBM sensitivity, 5dBM Max. Output
- 128 bit AES encryption
- Omnidirectional antenna
- 4 GHz ISM, Bluetooth LE channels: 1- 40 & Adv Ch: 37;38;39, Non Bluetooth Channels: SDR from 2400Mhz to 2500Mhz
- 3 axis accelerometer
- Temperature sensor (optional)
- Magnetic sensor (optional)